Bem-vindo(a) Flutter Internals, um livro open source mantido pela comunidade que fornece um tour guiado pela implementação do Flutter.
Este livro está "em andamento"; de fato, nós adoraríamos a sua ajuda correção de erros gramaticais, edição técnica e novos conteúdos.
Clique aqui para se tornar um contribuidor.
What is this book?
The goal of this book is to provide intuitive descriptions of Flutter’s internals in an easily digestible outline format.
Descriptions are intended to be comprehensive without becoming bogged down in implementation details or sacrificing clarity.
This book strives to provide a “hawk’s eye view” of Flutter’s implementation.
Who is the audience of this book?
These notes are most useful once you have a solid understanding of how to use Flutter (since they describe how the interfaces actually work).
This outline was written for developers looking to build intuition about Flutter internals and Flutter hackers looking to ramp up on the codebase.
We also hope that this book can inspire more thorough learning materials (such as deep dive videos or long form articles).
Who can contribute to this book?
Anyone (thank you)! If there’s a corner of the framework that you find confusing, please consider becoming a contributor and updating the book with the relevant details.
Please read the "Get Involved" section.
Last updated
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